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The Google Analytics 4 Decoder is in pre-launch with selected agencies and enterprises. Apply for access here.


To install and run the decoder in the GA4 dataset, with default options, execute the following code in your BigQuery console, replacing project_id.analytics_########## with your GA4 dataset_id and click the Run button.

  CALL'project_id.analytics_##########', 'project_id.analytics_##########', NULL);

Note that decoder functions will only add new functions, tables and views to your GA4 dataset, and never delete anything.


Upon installation, to execute an incremental update on your data execute the following code in your BigQuery console, replacing project_id.analytics_########## with your GA4 dataset_id. This will only write new date partitions to your outbound tables when new source data is detected:

  CALL `project_id.analytics_##########`.RUN_DECODER(NULL)

This is a metadata query, so you will not be charged for querying the underlying data.