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Event Parameters


Event parameters are found in the event_params STRUCT, an unusually structured element which is the source of most of the complexity when working with the GA4 export in BigQuery. It is a nested variation on a key-value pair, where the value can be found in one (and only one) of the value sub-columns. The STRUCT schema can be represented as follows:

event_params STRUCT
├── key STRING
└── value
    ├── string_value STRING
    ├── int_value INT64
    ├── float_value FLOAT64
    └── double_value FLOAT64

This structure means that new parameters can be added without changing the table schema, but it also means that data types can change over time, with no simple built-in mechanism for detection.

Standard Event Parameters

The following event parameters are included as standard in the GA4 decoder output tables, whether they are observed in the source data or not.

anonymize_ip STRING
batch_ordering_id INT64
batch_page_id INT64
campaign STRING
debug_mode INT64
engaged_session_event INT64
engagement_time_msec INT64
entrances INT64
file_extension STRING
file_name STRING
form_destination STRING
form_id STRING
form_name STRING
ga_session_id INT64
ga_session_number INT64
ignore_referrer STRING
link_classes STRING
link_domain STRING
link_id STRING
link_text STRING
link_url STRING
medium STRING
outbound STRING
page_location STRING
page_path STRING
page_referrer STRING
page_title STRING
percent_scrolled INT64
search_term STRING
session_engaged STRING
source STRING
video_current_time INT64
video_duration INT64
video_percent STRING
video_provider STRING
video_title STRING
video_url STRING
visible STRING

The default name for the event parameter output STRUCT is parameter, but this is configurable upon installation.

These event parameter values can then be accessed concisely by using dot notation, for example: parameter.video_title.

Inconsistent Data Types


The session_engaged column values have been observed to be either STRING or INT64 values, which is automatically corrected for in the GA4 decoder. This can be seen in the GA4_event_params decoder function, for which the generated code is below.

(SELECT COALESCE(SAFE_CAST(value.int_value AS STRING), value.string_value) FROM UNNEST(event_params) WHERE key='session_engaged') AS `session_engaged`

Note that many articles and guides wrongly extract the session_engaged value as either an INT64 or STRING column, which we have observed to under-report engaged sessions by 3-12%.

Automatic Type Coalescence

When multiple data types are observed for an event parameter in the source data, if only one of the value sub-columns is used then data will be lost.

The GA4 decoder controls for this by combining COALESCE and SAFE_CAST as above, with the output data type dependent on which combination of non-null values are observed. They will be coalesced to a common supertype. For example, if STRING and INT64 values are observed, they resulting field will be a STRING, and if INT64 AND FLOAT64 values are observed, the resulting field will be a FLOAT64.

Custom Event Parameters

When additional parameters are detected in the source data, they will also be included in the parameter output STRUCT. These will be found after the standard alphabetically listed event parameters, so they can be easily identified. Recommended event parameters are included if they are in the expected or observed custom event parameters.

Output Schema

The schema of the output parameter STRUCT is therefore:

event_params STRUCT
├── anonymize_ip STRING
├── batch_ordering_id INT64
├── batch_page_id INT64
├── campaign STRING
├── debug_mode INT64
├── engaged_session_event INT64
├── engagement_time_msec INT64
├── entrances INT64
├── file_extension STRING
├── file_name STRING
├── form_destination STRING
├── form_id STRING
├── form_name STRING
├── ga_session_id INT64
├── ga_session_number INT64
├── ignore_referrer STRING
├── link_classes STRING
├── link_domain STRING
├── link_id STRING
├── link_text STRING
├── link_url STRING
├── medium STRING
├── outbound STRING
├── page_location STRING
├── page_path STRING
├── page_referrer STRING
├── page_title STRING
├── percent_scrolled INT64
├── search_term STRING
├── session_engaged STRING
├── source STRING
├── term STRING
├── video_current_time INT64
├── video_duration INT64
├── video_percent STRING
├── video_provider STRING
├── video_title STRING
├── video_url STRING
├── visible STRING
└── [custom event parameters]