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Naming Conventions

Data Type Description
project_id STRING The globally unique identifier for each project
dataset_name STRING The name for each dataset, unique in each project
dataset_id STRING The globally unique identifier for each dataset, composed as project_id.dataset_name
resource_name STRING The single name for each resource (TABLE, VIEW, FUNCTION, TABLE FUNCTION or PROCEDURE)
resource_id STRING The globally unique identifier for an individual TABLE, VIEW, FUNCTION, TABLE FUNCTION or PROCEDURE, composed as project_id.dataset_name.resource_name
date_id STRING A STRING representantion of a date in the format YYYYMMDD
shard_id STRING A STRING representantion of a table shard date in the format YYYYMMDD
shard_date DATE A DATE representantion of a table shard date
partition_id STRING A STRING representantion of a table partition date in the format YYYYMMDD
partition_date DATE A DATE representantion of a table partition date