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The sessions table is a flattened date-partitioned session-level aggregation of the events table. The attibution model defaults to last_click_non_direct, but can also be configured as last_click, first_click or first_click_non_direct.

One row represents one single discrete session.


        ├── session_id STRING   
        ├── project_id STRING   
        ├── dataset_name STRING 
        ├── analytics_property_id STRING    
        ├── stream_id STRING    
        ├── platform STRING 
        ├── user_pseudo_id STRING   
        ├── is_active_user BOOLEAN  
        ├── is_engaged_session BOOLEAN  
        ├── event_date DATE 
        ├── session_start_timestamp TIMESTAMP   
        ├── session_end_timestamp TIMESTAMP 
        ├── event_names ARRAY<STRING>   
        ├── privacy_info STRUCT 
        ├── user_first_touch_timestamp TIMESTAMP    
        ├── user_ltv STRUCT 
        ├── device STRUCT   
        ├── geo STRUCT  
        ├── app_info STRUCT 
        ├── attribution_model STRING    
        ├── traffic_source STRUCT   
        ├── event_dimensions STRUCT 
        ├── collected_traffic_source STRUCT 
        ├── channel_grouping STRING 
        ├── local STRUCT    
        ├── event_value_in_usd FLOAT    
        ├── count STRUCT    
        └── parameter STRUCT    

Aggregation Columns

The following columns are used as aggregation dimensions, meaning that one row will correspond to a unique combination of these column values.

session_id STRING Unique ID per session
project_id STRING project_id containing the ga4_dataset_id
dataset_name STRING dataset_name of the GA4 dataset
analytics_property_id STRING analytics_property_id of the GA4 dataset
event_id STRING Unique ID per event
stream_id STRING ID of GA4 stream
platform STRING Web or App
user_pseudo_id STRING Unique ID corresponding to identified user

Aggregated Metadata Columns

The following columns are aggregated in order to make sense at a session-level aggregation.

event_date DATE MIN(event_date) The event_date of the first occurring event in a session
session_start_timestamp DATE MIN(event_timestamp) The event_timestamp of the first occurring event in a session
session_end_timestamp TIMESTAMP MAX(event_timestamp) The event_timestamp of the last occurring event in a session
event_names ARRAY ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT event_name IGNORE NULLS)  An array of unique event_name values in a session

Channel Grouping Column

The channel_grouping STRING column is added, in alignment with the Google Default channel group logic. This enables the last_click_non_direct and last_click_non_direct attribution models.

Aggregated Metric Columns

All columns in the count metric STRUCT in the events table are summed across all events in a session, with the naming convention unchanged (e.g. SUM(count.page_view) AS page_view). Additionally, the following fields are summed across all event metrics:

event_value_in_usd FLOAT SUM(event_value_in_usd) Sum of event_value_in_usd across all events in a session
count.total_sessions INTEGER 1 AS total_sessions An integer flag to enable total_sessions to be used as an output metric
count.total_engaged_sessions INTEGER MAX(SAFE_CAST(parameter.session_engaged AS INT64)) An integer flag to indicate whether the session was classified as engaged
count.total_events INTEGER SUM(count.total_events) The count of events in a session
count.total_conversion_events INTEGER SUM(count.total_conversions) Total conversion events in a session
count.total_conversion_sessions INTEGER MAX(count.total_conversions) Flag (1) if a session contains at least one conversion event

The standard schema for the count STRUCT in the sessions table is therefore:

    count STRUCT    
        ├── sessions INTEGER    
        ├── engaged_sessions INTEGER    
        ├── events INTEGER  
        ├── conversion_events INTEGER   
        ├── conversion_sessions INTEGER 
        ├── click INTEGER   
        ├── file_download INTEGER   
        ├── first_visit INTEGER 
        ├── form_start INTEGER  
        ├── form_submit INTEGER 
        ├── page_view INTEGER   
        ├── purchase INTEGER    
        ├── scroll INTEGER  
        ├── search INTEGER  
        ├── session_start INTEGER   
        ├── user_engagement INTEGER 
        ├── video_complete INTEGER  
        ├── video_progress INTEGER  
        ├── video_start INTEGER 
        └── view_search_results INTEGER 

Attributed Columns

The following column values are selected based on the attribution model configured upon deployment(first_click, last_click, first_click_non_direct and last_click_non_direct), with direct-attributed events defined by the channel_grouping. The attribution model for the deployment is then recorded in the attribution_model STRING column.

privacy_info STRUCT
user_first_touch_timestamp TIMESTAMP
user_ltv STRUCT
device STRUCT
app_info STRUCT
traffic_source STRUCT
event_dimensions STRUCT
collected_traffic_source STRUCT
channel_grouping STRING
local STRUCT

Parameter/Property Columns

Additionally, for parameter and property values observed at the event level, the MAX of the column value is taken, ensuring that if any value is NOT NULL, the MAX value will be propagated to the sessions.parameter or STRUCT. The naming convention is unchanged from the event table.

If specific parameter or property sub-columns require different aggregation treatment (e.g. SUM), this is configurable upon deployment. By default the only parameter sub-column which is summed is parameter.total_engagement_time_msec, which is defined as SUM(parameter.engagement_time_msec) across all session events.

The standard schema for the parameter STRUCT in the sessions table is therefore:

parameter STRUCT    
    ├── total_engagement_time_msec INTEGER  
    ├── anonymize_ip STRING 
    ├── batch_ordering_id INTEGER   
    ├── batch_page_id INTEGER   
    ├── campaign STRING 
    ├── debug_mode INTEGER  
    ├── engaged_session_event INTEGER   
    ├── engagement_time_msec INTEGER    
    ├── entrances INTEGER   
    ├── file_extension STRING   
    ├── file_name STRING    
    ├── form_destination STRING 
    ├── form_id STRING  
    ├── form_name STRING    
    ├── ga_session_id INTEGER   
    ├── ga_session_number INTEGER   
    ├── ignore_referrer STRING  
    ├── link_classes STRING 
    ├── link_domain STRING  
    ├── link_id STRING  
    ├── link_text STRING    
    ├── link_url STRING 
    ├── medium STRING   
    ├── outbound STRING 
    ├── page_location STRING    
    ├── page_path STRING    
    ├── page_referrer STRING    
    ├── page_title STRING   
    ├── percent_scrolled INTEGER    
    ├── search_term STRING  
    ├── session_engaged STRING  
    ├── source STRING   
    ├── term STRING 
    ├── video_current_time INTEGER  
    ├── video_duration INTEGER  
    ├── video_percent STRING    
    ├── video_provider STRING   
    ├── video_title STRING  
    ├── video_url STRING    
    └── visible STRING